Uniting and honoring the Brazilian community worldwide

Madalena's Switzerland-Brazil: Pioneering in Social Entrepreneurship

Together for a better world
The expression “social entrepreneurship” fits to that type of business that, in addition to being profitable, brings development to society.
So, social businesses are a junction of non-profit association with companies. Its main objective is to meet the need for a location, whether in a community, region, neighborhood, etc., solving problems and generating social profits.
Thus, in other words, this type of enterprise seeks solutions to social problems, with the logic of the market, offering quality products and/or services, helping to combat or reduce inequalities, promoting inclusion and income generation, while also being economically profitable .
However, there are many enterprises that do not have financial profit as their ultimate goal, the main one being the impact on society. And it is in this context that I present the NGO Madalena's Switzerland-Brazil, which is a pioneer in social entrepreneurship impacting our reality with 20 years of work using different expressions of art and literature, as communication, information and prevention tools in schools, universities, institutions, radio, television.
Pioneer in Switzerland, Madalena's, has as its creator Lucia Aeberhardt, the tireless writer, peace ambassador, cultural and social activist what seeks to warn against all forms of prejudice, domestic violence, femicide, homophobia, racism, harassment, sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
With the motto “To save a life is to save a nation”. Through the performance of the enterprising forerunner, 151 women have already been sent back to Brazilian soil, openings of libraries, video library and built playground, thousands of food baskets distributed and more than 200 schools visited with prevention work. O
Lúcia Aeberhardt's Social Entrepreneurship stands out for her artistic and literary work, which can be accessed in E-book, audio book for social inclusion, videos, books and the like, she has achieved wonderful and significant results that attest to the transforming power of art .
Our goals:
Today's world faces a great challenge. And for millions of Brazilians living in poverty, the coronavirus-19 pandemic and isolation measures further compromise the lives of children, families and entire communities.
The organization Madalena Switzerland-Brasil, in partnership with Centro Brasil Cultural, is trying to reduce the suffering of Brazilians across the country.
And to do that, we need your help. Your donation will help community leaders deal with this crisis by making food, water and essentials available.
We are not redistributing income, but providing these thousands of people with access to the minimum necessary to survive.